Opening hours today for CEF

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  • Sunday (today): Closed today


🕗 CEF Opening times in Cwmbran, NP44 1XE

NP44 1XE Avondale Way Cwmbran, gb
Telephone: 01633 206 800, Fax: 01633 206 803
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City Electrical Factors Ltd is a private limited company established in 1951. We are the United Kingdom’s leading Electrical Wholesale Network with almost twice as many distribution outlets as our nearest competitor.


Nearest CEF stores, CEF Cwmbran

CeX Cwmbran, Cwmbran

2-4 North Walk, 1.2 km

Closed today

Game Cwmbran, Cwmbran

15 The Parade Cwmbran Shopping Centre, 1.3 km

Closed today

Carphone Warehouse Cwmbran, Cwmbran

12 The Parade, 1.3 km

Closed today

CEF Caerphilly, Caerphilly

Bedwas Business, 15.1 km

Closed today

CEF Merthyr Tydfil, Merthyr Tydfil

Pentrebach, 24.0 km

Closed today

CEF Newport, Newport

Leeway Industrial Estate, 11.5 km

Closed today