Opening hours today for CEF

07:30 - 17:30

Closed today
  • Monday: -
  • Tuesday (today): -
  • Wednesday: -
  • Thursday: -
  • Friday: -
  • Saturday: -
  • Sunday: Closed


🕗 CEF Opening times in Doncaster, DN1 2RT

DN1 2RT Chappel Drive Doncaster, gb
Telephone: 01302 340 034, Fax: 01302 368 191
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City Electrical Factors Ltd is a private limited company established in 1951. We are the United Kingdom’s leading Electrical Wholesale Network with almost twice as many distribution outlets as our nearest competitor.


Nearest CEF stores, CEF Doncaster

Carphone Warehouse Doncaster, Doncaster

6 Baxtergate, 564.9 m

Closed today

Vodafone Doncaster Baxtergate, Doncaster

5 Baxtergate, 544.3 m

Closed today

Pioneer Halfords, Doncaster

Northbridge Road, 581.6 m

Open now, until 23:59

CEF Bentley, Bentley

Millfield Industrial Estate Arksey Lane, 2.1 km

Closed today

CEF Mexborough, Mexborough

Cliffe Street, 11.2 km

Closed today

CEF Rotherham, Rotherham

30-36 Clough Road, 19.1 km

Closed today